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Traffic alerts and schedules to your e-mail

Please find below the available traffic information, schedules and other information offered for subscription. Tick the boxes of all the lists you want, and submit the form. In each mail you receive there is a link to this page in case you want to change your preferences.
Available traffic infos
Traffic infos are sent when there is an unexpected delay or other change in the previously announced schedule.
Customer and schedule information including bunker surcharges

Available schedules
Schedules are published for 4-5 weeks at a time, and include the deviations from normal weekly schedules for public holidays, possible dockings etc. Please note, the online schedule on our website is based on the operative system, and is updated to include all the above mentioned deviations.

General and bunker infos
If you want to know about major changes in our service, e.g. ports of call or fleet, subscribe to our general infos. Driver information is about operative matters that concern our driver customers.

Please note, we only ask the identifying information below to be able to keep our customer database up to date. The schedules and traffic alerts are sent by email only.

You will get a summary of your subscription to your email
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.