Traffic infos as sms
Sometimes the vessels are delayed unexpectedly. During office hours you can check the delays in traffic info page (or the respective route page) or order the traffic infos to your mail. The fastest way – and also available after office hours and weekends – is to subscribe to sms traffic infos.

How to order sms traffic infos
Choose from the following services as to which area/service you want to be informed about. To be included in the chosen service(s)’ distribution list is easy, send the corresponding message to the number +358509020036
- To be added to the HansaLink list send message FL HANSALINK (Helsinki-Travemünde-Helsinki)
- To be added to the Germany (ro-ro) list send message FL GERMANY (Hanko-Rostock, Hanko, Helsinki – Travemünde)
- To be added to the Poland list send message FL POLAND (Hanko-Gdynia)
- To be added to the Denmark list send message FL DENMARK (Helsinki-Aarhus)
- To be added to the Ireland list send message FL IRELAND (Zeebrugge-Rosslare)
- To be added to the North Sea list send message FL NORTHSEA (Belgium / Spain – Finland)
- To be added to the UK list send message FL UK
Please note the number needs to include the country code (+358), otherwise it won’t work. You will get a confirmation message after you have been successfully added to the list.
You can remove your phone number from the list as easily, send the corresponding message to the number +358509020036
- To be removed from the HansaLink list send message FL XHANSALINK
- To be removed from the Germany list send message FL XGERMANY
- To be removed from the Poland list send message FL XPOLAND
- To be removed from the Denmark list send message FL XDENMARK
- To be removed from the Ireland list send message FL XIRELAND
- To be removed from the North Sea list send message FL XNORTHSEA
- To be removed from the UK list send message FL XUK
The instructions for removing yourself from the list will also be included in the messages you receive. You will also get a confirmation message after you have been successfully removed from the list. Please note, if the message is sent to several lists simultaneously, e.g. if the info is about Aarhus-Travemünde-Helsinki service, there will be only one removal instruction.