- Finnlines News 2/2024
Training with the Navy

In today’s dynamic world, the ability to effectively collaborate with various authorities, such as the border guard, navy, and emergency authorities, has never been more crucial. Conducting joint exercises with these stakeholders will not only improve operational readiness but also strengthen the overall security and safety infrastructure.
At the end of May, Finnlines participated in the Finnish Defence Forces’ main spring exercise of 2024, Helka 24. “Participating in joint exercises with different stakeholders improves our preparedness. These important drills are very instructive and strengthen our cooperation,” says Finnlines’ Vice President and Deputy CEO, COO Thomas Doepel, who agreed on a stakeholder exercise with the Finnish Defence Forces.

Thomas Doepel, Vice President and Deputy CEO, COO
The Navy practiced the execution of sea operations, including troop movements and combat missions in the Archipelago Sea and on the coast. Finnlines’ Superstar vessel Finnsirius was involved in transporting troops and a large number of vehicles in the Southernmost end of Airisto.
Juuso Kinnunen, Safety and Security Superintendent, co-ordinated the exercise at Finnlines. “I drew up the stowage plan together with the Chief Officer as there was also some IMO cargo (dangerous goods) to be loaded, but the drivers of off-road vehicles were well trained. The number of “passengers” certainly exceeded the previous record on Finnsirius, but the galley crew managed to cater everybody although time and space were limited.” The crew learnt about army procedures and crowd management. “It is important to know which troops shall disembark the vessel first, which shall be the last,” Kinnunen adds.
These exercises are highly instructive when they test the crew’s response
skills and strengthen Finnlines’ ability to cooperate with authorities.

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