Target in sight: setting course for home
The course of Finncanopus is plotted towards Naantali. According to plans, we are expected to reach Finland next Sunday.

In this post, we’ll recap the events of the past few days from Las Palmas to the Mediterranean, Djen Djen, and how the voyage continued onward – towards home.
Stowaways on Deck
In our previous post, we talked about how puddles of sand had formed on the deck of the Finncanopus. Just when the sand had been painstakingly washed away, birds took over the deck. Previously, while sailing the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, pigeons and other winged creatures had not been much seen. Now, closer to the coast, birds began to appear in abundance. Perhaps they were intrigued by the brand-new Finncanopus, which needed to be “marked”? Who knows the intentions of birds in detail… In any case, this was the first “bird attack” on the Finncanopus. The winged ones didn’t cause damage, except for white spots here and there – and once again, the crew of the Finncanopus had their work cut out for them.

Unloading cargo in Djen Djen
The last time Finncanopus visited a port was in Gran Canaria’s Las Palmas. Now, it was time for a longer stop, as the vehicles taken on board in Yantai were being unloaded in Djen Djen.
Djen Djen is a busy freight port on the coast of Algeria, in the Mediterranean. Through Djen Djen, a significant amount of vehicles, among other goods, pass, which end up in various parts of North Africa.
The port appeared large. There were hundreds, even thousands, of vehicles in neat rows. However, the experienced world travelers on the Finncanopus knew that, for example, the Yantai car port was even larger, judging by the number of vehicles at a glance.

Fueled by date cake for the final leg
Algeria is one of the world’s largest producers of dates. We couldn’t visit Djen Djen, Algeria, without ordering a load of dates to be brought on board as provisions. They are indeed fresh and delicious!
Now, in the mess, we have date cake, date bread, and other date delicacies on offer.

Nearly Ready for Action
The Finncanopus is currently sailing through the English Channel. It is heading to Naantali via the most direct route possible, as there is enough date-laden provision, and all the cargo was left in Algeria. Therefore, there is no longer a need for longer port visits. Only a quick fuel stop in the Netherlands is anticipated, but apart from that, we’re on our way to Naantali!
Naantali will be bustling with activity as the final installations are completed. For a few days, the ship will be taken over by a host of equipment, system, and software suppliers, as every system on the deck, engine, and hotel departments is fine-tuned to operational condition.
The Finncanopus’s maiden voyage is set for Friday, February 16, 2024.