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  • Finnlines News 3/2023

Green News: Next step in the green transition

As the shipping industry moves forward in the green transition, Finnlines’ new hybrid vessel, Finnsirius, showcases the next step in environmentally sustainable transportation. Harnessing electricity from the grid and featuring cutting-edge hybrid technology, Finnsirius sets a new standard for energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing greener options for passengers and cargo alike.

> GREEN NEWS: Sustainability is a core element of our business. We have done a lot to ensure sustainability and worked hard to reduce our environmental effects. In the future, maritime decarbonisation will bring big changes into our operations and fleet.

Electricity as an alternative fuel

Finnlines’ new hybrid vessel, Finnsirius started operating on the Naantali–Långnäs–Kapellskär route in September. Finnsirius is equipped with the most modern energy-saving technologies and after just few weeks in service she had already proven to be very energy-efficient compared to the older vessels in the Finnlines fleet. One of the key technologies is the hybrid system, which enables use of battery power as an energy source onboard. The battery capacity of 5 MWh and on-shore power connection make the vessel partially electric, a hybrid.

You may think the hybrid system like a hybrid car. During port calls in Naantali and Kapellskär the ship connects to the on-shore power supply via a cable. In practice, there is no need to use auxiliary engines to produce electricity and to run the ship operations in port; all energy comes from the shore side. The batteries are also charged with shore power. At sea, the battery power may be utilised in many ways, such as for supplying electricity for hotel activities and electric power demand in general, running bow thrusters or even boosting the propulsion – wherever the need is the greatest. With battery power, it is also possible to shave off the peaks of high energy loads and thus avoid starting extra engines. Battery power reduces the ship’s greenhouse gas emissions on every voyage.

The hybrid system and electricity from the grid is a step forward. This will have a direct impact on our customers’ emissions. With Finnsirius and its sister vessel Finncanopus, which will soon start operating in the same line, Finnlines is able to provide much greener transportation for both passengers and cargo.